
Tee and Cee

We don't have a tagline!

Where to start!

Cee writing…

Do you ever get the feeling at the start of a week that its going to be one of those weeks where everything seems to go wrong? Well if you know what I’m talking about then this is already one of those weeks (and its only Tuesday).

Allow me to explain.


Tee is at my house after staying over for the weekend. We are having a good laugh and everything is going great but then we both remember that we are going to a meal that night and as you know I have anxiety, (and yes its made its self at home in my brain and won’t seem to leave) so as soon as we think about the meal my panic starts. I can’t relax any, my make-up goes wrong, I can’t find anything to wear e.t.c. Long story short I end up having a panic attack and don’t end up going but making Tee go because it was his family and no way was I going to let my stupid mind stop him from going.

Anyway…ever since yesterday I have felt the roller-coaster ride that is my mood swings doing loops, going upside down and just basically going off the rails and into the cement at the bottom.


I have to get up early because I have work and am doing that until around 7 when I start this, making it a 12 hour day and it has been none stop! I cannot relax, my mind is constantly over thinking everything and making my life so much more difficult than it should be.

So! I have decided to get my head out of the sand, rant on here to get all these stupid thoughts out of my head and just get on with it!

I need to prove to myself that just because things are going wrong doesn’t mean I have to sit here and let them! It’s my life and I can do want I damn well need to (providing it’s legal of course, don’t worry I am not going to kill anyone…If I was it would have been done a long time ago πŸ˜› )

Basically it is time to go kick anxiety’s ass and show it who is the boss in my brain!

If you have read this then thank-you for sticking with my Β pointless rambling on πŸ™‚

And as always,

Keep Smiling πŸ™‚


Cee writing…

This world is messed up.

There are wars, arguments, mental illnesses, crashes, family’s that hate each other, young people can’t start their lives easily anymore with the problems of no jobs, no experience, people judging young families, etc.

I just really cannot believe how people treat each other in these times. We are meant to be the so called evolved race and yet we haven’t learnt from the past. We are taught that wars are bad and yet grow up with them happening everywhere. We are told not to disrespect and yet that is all that people do.

I just wish that we could treat each other how we want to be treated.

We should make each other laugh and smile, help each other in any way we can, give to charity, visit family members even if they live miles away, be able to travel to other countries and experience different cultures without fights and hate.

But the world is very far from perfect so small steps will take a while to make any difference but I’m going to try.

If you are reading this then please will you make someone smile today. Just help someone across the street, hold a door open, adopt an animal (wild or not), do some fundraising for charity or maybe just hug someone from your family or friends and tell them you love them (it could brighten up their week)

Thankyou for reading
Keep smiling


Sorry about the break!

Cee and Tee writing…

Really sorry that both Tee and me haven’t been writing/posting in a while but we have had a lot of different things going on recently. We have been sorting jobs, university, apprenticeships, doctors appointments and other things like that.

Long story short… we have got the course sorted but we have a lot of work to do. I am sorting out my anxiety with a software called SilverCloud and it is really helping πŸ™‚ We are both having money troubles after our anniversary, then valentines day and birthdays so we are trying to get some more work and money for the months coming up.

So we are both going to be really busy but it feels good to finally have things sorted even if we both have extra long To Do lists but they will go down eventually πŸ™‚

Why not let us know what you have been up to?

Keep Smiling and Peace out and party on πŸ™‚

6 Months!

Cee writing…

Well it is official. We have now been together for 6 months and wow it has gone weirdly fast. We both can’t understand how it has already been this long since he asked me.

But it really has been the best time of my life and I don’t know what I would do without him. It sounds cheesy and I don’t want to be the sort of girl who is like that just making out that their relationship is perfect because he does do my head in sometimes but I know he feels the same about me too. We do argue and fall out sometimes but its worth it because of how much we laugh and mess about and cheer each other up. He deals with so much with me because of my anxiety and panic attacks and tbh just general mood swings but I do love him πŸ™‚ and I know he will read this and smile and try and hide it but I know better by now to know he will be smiling really πŸ˜›

We have been for a meal and it was really good but the only problem is that there was a lot of garlic in pretty much every meal so we stink of it πŸ˜› We are back at my house now and as soon as we walked into the room my mum could smell it so lets just hope that it goes a bit more before we start our new course next week because that isn’t a good first impression at all!

Anyway I think that’s all from me πŸ˜€

Keep smiling!


Tee writing…

so as Cee just said we have been together for 6 months today πŸ™‚ 6 months! wtf! its gone so fast its unreal. The time that me and Cee have spent together over these past 6 months have been amazing πŸ˜€ yes she does my head in (alot πŸ˜‰ ) and yes I do her head in too ( not at all really :p ) but I do love her. She has helped me with alot and shes always there to me smile, laugh and genuinely have a good time no matter what we are doing. Just being in the same room as her makes my day better πŸ™‚ I know she will be reading this and smiling like I have done at hers πŸ˜€ and so hi Cee, I love you πŸ™‚

As Cee said above we went for a meal πŸ™‚ we went to a Tapas place which I think was really good ( i think i enjoyed it more than Cee tbh ). From eating there and having takeaway lastnight we now both smell of garlic haha. Hopefully it wares off and until it does atleast we know we are safe from vampires πŸ˜€

and thats all from me really πŸ˜€

Peace out. πŸ˜€

Take away!

Cee and Tee writing…

We are at Tees house this weekend and we have got the house to ourselves so we have made the most of it so that means instead of staying in his room and playing games/watching TV, we have gone downstairs to play games/watch TV. We are creatures of habit and we love it!

Tee has just got the free months trial of Netflix so we have started watching Daredevil, and it is really good! We are already addicted and it isn’t going to take us long to finish this series because the first one is only 13 episodes 😦 Oh and Tee is forcing me to watch Pokemon (and I have to admit I quite like it) we haven’t watched many of them though.

Yet again we have got a takeaway and too much food, I got a kebab with chilli sauce (YUM!) and Tee got a gourmet burger with chicken, onion rings, BBQ and bacon and we got a free garlic bread plus some salt and pepper chicken strips from the chippy down the road because they are soo good.

We are both very full after that but I’m sure we will be eating biscuits later still anyway πŸ™‚ Anyway we are off to watch more Daredevil now so Ill post tomorrow πŸ˜€

What is your favourite take away food? Maybe give us some recommendations? πŸ™‚

Keep smiling and peace out and party on!

Big changes!

Cee writing…

Well if you have been reading our previous posts then you will know that we have been looking at changing our course and today we finally have! We decided that we are going to go down a more creative route and do graphics πŸ™‚ we both think that it is going to be a better opportunity for us as we both have quite mad imaginations so we should be able to think of some great ideas to get us the qualification that we need πŸ™‚

We are still sorting other things out such as driving lessons, appointments for loads of different issues and jobs since we both would like better jobs (in other words a bit more money)

I have been with Tee at his house for a while now and sometimes still have some issues with anxiety but I think it is better better since I have had to stay on my own at times while he is out busy having a life and getting exercise like I should be doing too really.

Thankyou for reading and we will keep you posted πŸ˜€

How is your week going? Let us know with a comment under any post and we will reply and have a chat, we would love to get to know you πŸ™‚

Keep smiling

Making decisions is hard!

Cee and Tee writing…

To be honest I don’t know where to start! It is only Wednesday and yet it has been one of the most stressful weeks already for Tee and me. If you have been reading our past posts you will know our university course isn’t that good (to put it in a nice way) so because of that I have been looking at apprenticeships and Tee has been looking at different courses at other universities.

So far this week we have had to talk to our tutors because they have found out we are planning on leaving and they weren’t exactly happy but they have wished us luck in whatever we choose so that’s good. We have also visited another university to look at another course and that sounds really good so now that has gone me thinking I might want to do that now too. Another thing we have done is sign up to another program which helps to find apprenticeships so now we hopefully have double the chance of finding one.

But the point that this post is about (as seen from the title) is that since we have looked around so much now it means that we have more things to choose from. Don’t get me wrong its been great looking around and finding out all the different options we have but its getting to the time that we have to choose and its so difficult!!!

Another thing that makes it the most difficult choice is the subject. Both me and Cee are studying a computing course but there’s so many different areas of it that we could go into. It’s hard trying not to fuck up and choose the wrong thing tbh cause I we will never know if its right or not before its too late haha. ( A little tip for anyone out there that cant decide on what they wanna do: FUCK LIFE CHOICES. THEY’RE ANNOYING AND EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE UNLIMITED FUNDING TO TRY EVERYTHING BEFORE CHOOSING πŸ™‚ )

Are any of you in university or doing an apprenticeship or in a job or anything? Maybe just have some basic life advice that could help us out? We would really appreciate it! πŸ˜€


Keep smiling!

Busy day!

Cee writing…

I am currently in Uni and Ill be honest with you I am very very bored. Their organisation hasn’t been great again this morning because Tee and me have been waiting 2 hours for a lesson since they hadn’t told us that the one in the morning was cancelled so that was not fun at all. While we were waiting I have done some research into a company who I am going to have a phone interview with today so I feel more prepared for that at least, but I can still feel the panic attack making itself known and creeping its way in.

I am in a “lesson” now in which no-one is doing anything (which is why I thought I might as well look busy and type to you) it is boring and pointless being here and everyone is paying Β£250 for each lesson so its annoying to say the least.

Well I have the interview in 3 hours and cannot wait to get that done and fingers crossed I get a personal interview because I do not want to be in this place any longer, it makes me angry, it makes my anxiety so much worse and everyone in my class are horrible (to put it in a way without swearing)

Wish me luck with the rest of today please! and I will try and update with everything as soon as I can πŸ™‚

Keep smiling

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